Britain has been "not so great" since the mid 1940's, no slander intended.
They exhausted themselves in 2 world wars, lost their empire and have been steadily receding from the worlds stage every since.

Don't think taking marching orders from unelected technocrats from Brussels and having their island borders flooded by 100,000's of muslims/Africans every year is in their long term best interests, so I congratulate them on [nominally at least] regaining some measure of sovereignty - And hope we do much the same here in the USA.

The globalist powers that be will naturally try to punish them best their able, but they'll be shooting themselves in the can while shooting England in the foot. "EU" from day 1 was a contrived conglomeration of conflicting interest, loyalties not to mention languages, histories and cultures, I personally don't think it was meant to last the test of time.
Failure to even nominally control their borders against the 3rd world flood was probably the prime reason Remain lost, and will seal "EU's" doom if not contained.

how it will relate to militaria ect, when world economies start to tank its a good time to buy, things will stabilize in short order, I wouldn't expect it to have much of an effect at all, certainly not long term.
