Originally Posted By: JohnZ
I have 95 Luft2s as of today. This includes various maker marks, etched blades, artificial and real Damascus and a couple of oddball items (one postwar B&A, two PDLuneschloss with grip variations).

Some of you have asked me where I found these over the years. Here is my recap of my dagger sources (most of my dealings over the years have generally been positive, but a couple have gone way off the rails).

18 daggers from miscellaneous sources (Ivan, Tom, Eric, Stephane, Oldbrigade, etc)
18 from Paul Hogle
16 from Tom Wittmann
10 from Bob Rodgers
9 from Tom Johnson
6 from Doug Ritchie
5 from various MAX/SOS
3 from Craig Gottlieb
3 from Bob Iqbal
2 from Sterling Gambino, RIP
2 from Brian Maederer
2 from my Hungarian brother from another mother, Janos
1 from Bill Shea

I have to say that I recommend all of these guys, even Craig wink


I'm surprised you don't list any that you turned out of the woods. At least picking them up as you have listed you can get the condition and maker you want.