Originally Posted By: Triggerself
Soviets use low quality dark and not/partially transparent enamels which makes ring looks awful, but on period was used bright and transparent high quality hot enamels.

You are too young to make such statements. Seems that all knowledge about Latvian postwar rings comes from souvenirs made in 90ies. During soviet period there were available and used all kinds of very good quality enamels. Low quality enamels dull and not transparent started to show up in 90ies at the end of soviet occupation when all this patriotic stuff become again very very popular. Then there were dozens of makers who made everything like ring, pins, brooches etc with these enamelled flags, coats of arms etc. Back then was used everything from paint, epoxy, to high quality glass fired enamels. These patriotic rings and pins were my family s business top product for something like 4-5years (from 1989 to 1993). We made them in bucket loads.

So fact that you have purchased dozen or two Latvian rings does not make you an expert in this field. You still have a lot to learn.

There are less original rings than you think, much less...
