Originally Posted By: Triggerself

P.S Those ring plates never was for sale publicly, they was only on discussion two years ago. Owner want to know just estimated price.

Those plates are long gone. smile

Originally Posted By: Triggerself
As I told later in my FB group in dispute with hapur I have legionnaire memoirs (collected and documented by his wife from letters) where Latvian SS ring was mentioned. Unfortunately I can't tell you about it and show it because of perosnal reasons.

Any other info source other than something you can not show? smile

Like I told you earlier all these rings were available free to anybody. That is widely known fact. I knew few jewelers/craftsmens who worked before and during ww2 - I've learned a lot from them, some period dies I got from them. I've met enough legionaires in person (actually both my grandfathers were in Legion) so all of them confirmed these were available free. Kiosk where these were sold is still there on Terbatas str and Elizabetes str corner.

There are less original rings than you think, much less...
