@Arminius, each discussion, how wrong one side might be, is ok and makes our hobby, our forum vivid. This discussion here is a good example. In accordance with Dave the mentioned thread concerning research for a navy book project has been closed because improper words had been used by several parties which is against the forum rules.
The request for material and the mail adress is still readable in the closed thread, so the main purpose of the thread can still be reached.
BUT feel free to discuss a raised opinion from the closed thread even here if it in a serious and polite manner.

You -the forum members- have noticed for sure that the thread is carefully watched by Dave and me and violations of the forum rules will not be tolerated.
Each serious discussion is most welcome.


wotan, gd.c-b#105

"Never look for sqare eggs" as a late owner of an original FHH-dagger used to say.