I kept groups of related collections in military steamer trunks.
Had a trunk full of Holocaust paper items / documents. Period documents from Dachau, Auschwitz, http://www.germandaggers.com/Gallery/IC1.phpBuchenwald. Inmate ID books, passes etc. . Also a large amount of very rare directly postwar Concentration Camp booklets of the different camps. Many printed in Germany..
Some in French, some Russian and in English,,and some in all 3 languages.

Also a large probably 6/7 inches of my Great Uncles war unit newspapers. These range from the very start of the war right until the end.. Think I got one or 2 I managed to wash and conserve...
They kind of look ok here,,but most just fell apart after drying to trying to conserve........

zzzzkl.JPG (137.86 KB, 81 downloads)
zzzzp.JPG (112.92 KB, 80 downloads)
Last edited by Gaspare; 08/01/2015 04:43 AM.