Well,,after hurricane Irene [which we had only 3 foot of water]. We had the choice to either put stuff way up high,,or move the items to another location. I took the doors off in the house and used milk crates and made 6 ft high tables.. I put some , the riker cases etc. on them... Some pieces I relocated to the other side of town that doesn't flood..

Sandy was a MFer! She put around 5 foot of water thru the house!,, twice as the tide went out [or was supposed to] and came back in with only 3 foot water..When we came back from evacuation my rear door to the house wasn't there. Also missing was a slop sink,,and a hot water heater, a couch.. At first we thought thieves,,but no. From what we understand and saw elsewhere was,,it was the force of the initial first tide wave. And,,somehow went out quickly. It left fast actually and taking many things with it!

So, everything in the house became buoyant. My refrigerator was floating around and taking out walls etc! So like the riker cases,,they were either totally gone,,or spread out everywhere down the block. The items at the 'safe house',,well, nothing was safe in Sandy. Areas that have never been close to flooding flooded! So most everything gone or ruined..

Some stuff I found in my back yard,,,

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