A few days ago, I saw on my Facebook page a request from an old friend requesting to become a Facebook friend. I quickly accepted. Today, I began to receive messages from him on Facebook and it wasn't long before I realized it did not sound like the person I know. There was the initial normal chitchat and eventually he said he had some "good" news" about a Facebook lottery. That's when I ceased conferring with him. The messages all look "legit" and include his Facebook photo. I also have his email address and emailed him to tell him it appears his Facebook page, or the messaging part of it, has been "hijacked." His not emailing me and using Facebook for messaging was also a clue. This appears to be yet another internet scam, this one on Facebook. Just wanted to clue members in and they might want to warn others that such exists. The gullible, inexperienced and young might well fall for this.