This topic could be interesting.


1. The internal markings do not scare me. There are what appears to be many 'unknown' or strange markings that are real. Most cast in place and the occasional stamped letter.

2. The shape and appearance look OK.

3. The SS number is stamped with numbers that look OK. You can find numbers of all sizes on these daggers.

But ...

The number, 6166, is traceable to SS Haupsturmfuhrer Erich Raadke in the 1934 list and probably others.

And, the grooves seem a little shallow in one of the pictures, but that may be the angle.

The rest of the dagger would say a lot.

Email me a link to the dagger and I'll give you my thoughts but will keep the location under my hat and I won't jump your claim.

dave (at)