Interesting interview. It sums up most of what I knew or suspected to be the case.

Looks like a good deal for both exhibitors and attendees. Cheaper tables and entry fees for OVMS Members. Free access to OVMS for MAX Life and Charter members.

Incorporating firearms into the shows will result in more overall attendance, but I am not sure that it will add to the number of militaria collectors or that the firearms collectors will develop a taste for militaria. We'll see, but more visitors equals better profit for the owners and thus more chance it will keep happening. All good things.

The note about downplaying the number of swastikas is not new. It has been with MAX for several years and there have been less of the big flags put up for some time.

The Monroeville venue. One that I really like because of the size and the proximity of the main hotel. It can expand a bit with the back rooms and maybe better table spacing, but not much. The real limitation is parking and I am surprised that was not mentioned. The MAX contract is for this year and 2016 to be at the current location. Maybe 2017 too.

After that? Finding other venues could be difficult unless they really expand the firearms component. If they can make it mostly a gun show, then us militaria nuts laugh can be downplayed. Regardless, I think it will stay on or near the East Coast as lots of customers, collectors and dealers drive to the show.

What could be improved with a new location besides size/parking. AIRPORT ACCESS !!!! I drive but many of my friends fly and they it is time consuming and expensive. ATTACHED HOTEL !! I fondly rem member the old Monroeville set tup where the show was a stroll down the corridor at the Radisson.

Shame the interviewer did not ask about food I do hope that keep and improve the current concession and do NOT import OVMS standards. Also hope they keep the current dining tables and do not try to squeeze out a few extra buck by eliminating it.
