

May I say what an excellent choice adding this two-legged raptor to your collection of four-legged warmbloods. Your photographs really bring this handsome bird to life.

Most unusual to see the use of glass-eyes here, and in this case a delightful touch, as they're perfectly placed to add a sharp, distinct focal point to the head. It really captures that alert, stern look that's so familiar to birds of prey. Marvelous feather detail in the layering of the wings to the body and tail structure, and I also like the way the artist seperated the feathers in front of the birds left leg, great touch, too. Fantastic work fashioning the legs and talons, it really conveys the power of the bird's iron grasp. Woe to any mouse or vole with those claws holding it fast ... dinner!

Not a clue as to who the artist might be, however, he/she really had a deep appreciation and understanding of these birds. Without that, this fine sculpture would never exist.

Great post, thank you.

... stay thirsty my friends ! grin
