Easily understandable oversight, good you pointed it out and perhaps the blogger will make the necessary corrections.

I don't think ground dug relics should be condemned carte blanche at all ... I am an avid metal detectorist and have been for around 8 years. Searching for lost history and valuables is fascinating and consuming. I don't live in an area likely to have any war dead, but if I did that would be something I would have to deal with. I would like to think that I would handle it in a professional, respectful manner if I came across a grave site, and I'm sure I would.
The dealing is ground dug military relics I also think should not be wholly condemned. No way to determine ratios, but I think its safe to say a fair portion or relics were not dug in proximity to a pile of bones, many were lost/dumped/discarded and have no connection to any disrespect for a fallen soldier.
Some are, these matters should be taken on a case by case basis.
