Dave , the site has had a few problems over the years. Registered 2002?,,was on a few years before that,,Lets see,,when I came on Gary Woods and Bob Hritz were the SS Mods, then Bob left and we had Tony Barto! And of course Donny Boyle was the Honor Ring Mod..

Anyway,,,yes your right Mods/Dealers were different back then. So was our hobby too.

It evolved from the Mods being the last [and only] word. Even though just supposed to be a moderator they were also expected to be the experts! , and most were!

Most mods/dealers were infallible, respected! , Man what a difference between now and back then..

Back then,,they freely gave good advice participated, authenticated ,etc. Now,,,defensive, non participants with the only advice is to buy their self authenticating items! crazy wink