I would like to see him come clean with the source of this, whether it is fake or genuine I don't see why it has to be treated like a state secret. Very good odds the source is a forger/fraud/scammer, quicker hes outted the better, and longer Craig waits the worse it looks on him for protecting the identity of a possible high level thief.

There are only 2 possibilities, Craig - Either its good or its not.
If its good, then the source of this questionable document would no doubt love the attention.
If its bad, then its self evident why he should be revealed. Do the right thing, salvage some of your rep and put it on record, unless there is some compelling reason not to. He needs to be outted, not to satisfy my curiosity or anyone else, but simply to protect others from getting burned.

Last edited by Skynyrd; 02/07/2014 09:51 PM.
