To bad. My english isn�t good enaugh for deep discussions about this theme.
After reading and researching a lot in my opnion the gouvernment in this time dit everything to stop these so called "Kitsch"-items. I am sure they forced through their law. There are examples enaugh for such manner.
In the case of this "Kitsch"-law they even gone a step further.
This law too became valid for pics, busts and other artworks that showed Hitler.
About this theme i found last weeks a very interesting and well researched book that uses and shows a lot of documented sources.

Last edited by odal; 10/20/2013 06:06 PM.

�Eine gewaltt�tige, herrische, unerschrockene, grausame Jugend will ich. Jugend muss das alles sein. Schmerzen muss sie ertragen. Es darf nichts Schwaches und Z�rtliches an ihr sein. Das freie, herrliche Raubtier muss wieder
aus ihren Augen blitzen."