Dynamic Duo ...


A first rate pair of Allach birds by Adolf R�hring, the Gr�nfink and Amsel. (Green Finch & Blackbird) Great snapshot poses to both models, the finch settling on a branch and the blackbird taking a quick look-round before enjoying a snack of lucious strawberries. Fabulous detail to the finch's open wings, every feather painstakingly portrayed. The overall balance is quite natural and lifelike as the animal applies it "air-brakes" for a perfect three-point landing. The Amsel sculpture reminds me of our local catbirds which dance and display for a mate in this same stance, tails high up in the air. These native catbirds have the uncanny ability to mimic other birds songs and answer their calls in their own tongue. Many a disappointed suitor shows up only to find this little rascal performing his deceptive impersonation. grin

Thanks for sharing your lovely birds with us, can't wait to see your Hirsch.

