
Gotta hand it to you, you just might be on to something with that ... leastways it's a very good, logical thought.


Can't thank you enough for sharing the fruits of your collecting labors with us. Hopefully you'll be an inspiration to anyone with a sincere desire to collect things that aren't that well documented as of yet. I know it can be tough going and sometimes frustrating to collect in areas that haven't been thoroughly explored and understood. As far as I know you're a pioneer in this field of study and I truly wish you all the success in the world.

I wonder if a visit or inquiry to the M�nchen Hunting and Fishing Museum might pay off? Maybe someone on the staff could hook you up with a person who's knowledgeable in this area? There has to be somebody in Germany who's well versed in this field of study, possibly a person who doesn't frequent the internet sites? Maybe an "oldtimer" from one of the local shooting clubs near Munich? Just a thought ...

Best regards!
