Originally Posted By: Herman V. (aka Herr Mann)
Originally Posted By: Mac 66

... all i really want to do is get to the bottom of the solid red case which until now has never been proven as a Fake daimond with solid proof, simple as that wink

Regards Mac 66.

Let me repeat this one more time:

- It is those who believe in the full red diamonds that should prove that they are period, not the other way around!

- And the only decisive proof would be: clearly demonstrating which maker(s), during which period, used the rare -but original?- full red diamond on his HJ�s.

The current approach, by showing some messed up and/or low quality knifes with full red diamonds from all different makers, from all different periods will never convince any logic thinking collector!

Good luck! grin

And best regards,

At least we have built up some referance here on the solid red/opaque enamel hj daimonds,

its not an easy task to find info solid red enamel hj pins like most things from the TR PERIOD!!

i have been told by many old time collectors that the good quality daimonds are genuine to hj knifes,

There are more believers so far & some good hard evidence will be forthcoming, watch this space wink

if certain people were not so hard to work with to discuss this subject it would make this a much easier task imo .