Thanks Dave! I'll bite as this is exactly what I would like to do and learn from.

1. Etching - It appears to me that this is not acid etched or hand engraved (I would expect more the former but I believe some MM are hand etched). Regardless, it appears to be too "straight" and may be machine done (?laser?).

2. Blade it appears to lack cross-graining which I would expect though this could have been polished away. Also, the blade does not appear to have been forged looking at the tang. The tang lacks indications of forging and appears to suggest that it was cut rather than forged. I also suspect that the tang marking is off but I would have to few references to evaluate this.

I see some guys type faster than I and they also make some really good points!

3. I can't view the MM while writing but it appears to be a bit elongated or off in some fashion in addition to the comments I made concerning etching in #1.

I need to study the photos again but those things hit me right away. Am I hot or cold?!

I really want to learn from this. Sorry if it is redundant for "ol hands" who have had the luxury of handling many of these. The real pressure comes on when I stumble onto something like this and have to react in the moment while trying to collect yourself after the shock of seeing it. This can taint my judgement....a self control thing I guess.

Last edited by Rob C.; 12/17/2012 11:26 PM.