The fun never ends in this thread, it seems. Such great finds. Great work on completing your pack of handsome canines, Tristan! Bill, that little Karner pooch is very elegant and the gilding sets off the white porcelain very nicely.

It's been a while since I've contributed, but I've finally picked up a sort-of relevant equine to share. I'm very excited because this is one of my 'Holy Grail Horses' and I was able to buy him at a local auction for much less than the market price.

This hefty lad (10" x 13") is a Bing & Grondahl Belgian draft horse stallion, made in Denmark. It's a later piece, with the backstamp dating it as being made between 1970-1983. It was sculpted by Svend Jespersen (1895 - 1985). B&G porcelain is typically finished in muted, almost pastel colors with a thin, milky glaze, giving the wares a tell-tale soft coloring. This style of coloring, however, does not diminish the quality of the sculpt, which is excellent. You can see the buckles on the halter and surcingle (chest band), as will as the braids in his mane and the ripple of powerful muscles.

As I said, I'm thrilled to finally add him to my herd, where he'll occupy a position of pride for a long time to come (at least until I find my next Holy Grail Horse!)
