For the record, I did not sell in a divorce panic...I remain married to this day. I purchased an automobile and put $10,000 down based on the fact that you Craig told me that " Steve Wolfe would buy the ring for the price you quoted me, sight unseen. No need to even send pictures, just mail it directly to him. 4 weeks later I am waiting for my payment to arrive. I do not hear anything, even the benefit of an email. I call you and you say that Steve passed on it as it was not "mint" enough for him. I say, "Craig it was your ring, you owned it and sold it. You, better than anyone knew the condition." You say that you will re-purchase from me for $1000 less than Steve's offer and you state, " I raped you" your words....!!! not mine. Craig you are wealthy, set up a lie detector test with all of your contacts on TV...I will gladly take it with you.....I owed $6500 on the had me over a barrell...I agree with your statement that you "raped me" only you screwed me as well...even in your attempts to make it better...I am not responsible for your less than steller reputation, you are...we did good business in the past. I sold you good, qaulity items...more than paid no issue...why would you take advantage of a decent relationship? Sorry that I did not make you rich