Hey that will come in handy when the do the German version of the TV series "BRANDED"!! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

The opening scene of the series was memorable, depicting McCord's cashiering: his hat is pulled off, his epaulets are ripped off, his uniform, its buttons pulled off, and his saber is broken, while a drum played over the opening theme song ("All but one man died there at Bitter Creek ... and they say he ran away...he was innocent...not a charge was true"). He was then sent out of the gates of the fort where this occurred, which were then closed behind him. This scene was repeated each week as the theme song by Dominic Frontiere, which told the background story, and the opening credits, were played. New viewers could easily be brought in on what had been going on, a very common device at the time used in many other programs as well