
A well deserved award, no doubt about it. wink

Great to see that you and Karin have been adding to our thread and keeping things fresh and alive, Mikee, DJ and spacey too.

"Durch!" is a honey of an illustration, simple, direct and right to the point, "break through!" You really get the feeling of urgency and determination from the art, the rider and his animal will stop for nothing to complete their urgent mission. Many of these uncomplicated drawings and paintings are most effective in conveying their messages to us, the less we have to interpret the better and more clear the vision.

Karin's Kriegsanleihe card depicts old-style typography at its best, when different type sizes and font styles called our attention to the most important parts of the message, with a minimum or no illustration whatsoever. The same holds true for the flyer's card, a plain, nationalistic border frames the hand-written plea for financial assistance, lending a much more effective, personalized touch.

Many thanks to all who've shared their time and thoughts so that together we can explore and enjoy this wide-ranging topic. Each piece of art helps to clarify and build the mosaic of subjects that were so important to a nation before, during and after the rule of kings.

