Thank you Krullies for the time you put into a fantastic explanation and write up that makes the art all the more special to me.
I appreciate you sharing the knowledge.

I liked how Germania looked so disgusted while in mourning. It makes perfect sense now.

The unusual look of the angel, wearing a fox head thing and holding a weird looking pitch fork over the crest of the eale looked intriguing too.
I wonder if the artist had a intention for placing the barb directly over the eagles heart.

I'm posting the text on back showing the date and another verse.
Please disregard if it has no relevance.

Thanks again.

Text 1.jpg (28.17 KB, 207 downloads)
text 2.jpg (21.58 KB, 206 downloads)
Last edited by Dean Perdue; 06/01/2012 06:25 PM.