Yep, these shows are of course heavily scripted.
Easy to tell, when they go to someones house to look at something, and it shows the people from inside opening the door, meeting them "for the first time". I think alot of it is just people hoping to get on TV ,,, But I agree, people should do more research and explore their options before taking it to lowballing jackals like that.
I saw Chumley at an auto show, he had a crowd of about 2 people around him. There were some hot car model girls right behind him, everyone was pretty much oogling over them and ignoring old chum, and he looked distressed. I thought about going over to say hi just to be nice, but really didn't have anything to say to or ask the guy.

Pickers have bored me to tears, I've about given up watching them. They try too hard to be funny, actually funny people don't have to try, they are. Their unbridled greed also turns me away, just like the pawn guys. Half the recent shows I have seen seem to be themed around their heavily tattooed helper lady, and since I think shes a dog, I reach for the channel changer pretty quick.

Last edited by Skynyrd; 05/30/2012 02:31 AM.
