I cannot answer the question-of-the-thread. But I am with Grumpy. Some SS leaders MIGHT have built their own SS degen out of another degen, most likely a police degen.
I do own a wearing pic (sorry, I do not show it) wherin a Sturmf�hrer is holding his degen, the hilt with the dics is clearly to be seen,, the photograph is detailed and very sharp. When you would see the dimension of the disc (obviously larger than normal) and the position (slightly lower) on a degen offered to you you would not go but run away. But the period photograph does not lie, there were worn such hybrides during the period.
Unfortunately you cannot determine any makermark on those wearing pics....
When you are collecting wearing pics from time to time you do stumble over such hybrides. Nearly all was possible at these times.

wotan, gd.c-b#105

"Never look for sqare eggs" as a late owner of an original FHH-dagger used to say.