I have translated the document (it is a photocopy of the damaged original) as best I can. In Kraukau, Poland Erwin Kuther was appointed Commander of Security Police & S.A. from 16/04/1944. On 21/04/1944 he ended up in a military hospital with what illness or injury I am not sure. I do not think it was a war injury as he never went near the front but he would have been a worthwhile target to a Polish partisan. The next entry I have is from another document I had previously which states that on the 14/07/1944 he goes into the SS Personnel head office as well still being linked to the darker side as Commanding Officer of the SIPO & SD in General Goverment of whatever district he was in. Whether he stood in for the regular commander or somehow did both jobs I am not sure. I know this is not much but it does help to put together the story of this man's pretty horriffic career.