Hi JR thanks for your reply, selling at a low price I do not be-grudge.my decision..my call...no gun litterally to my head.....my post point was this....the dealer stated that he brokered a deal with the other dealer to purchase my ring.....I send the ring off for what I was told was a "sure sale" I hear nothing for weeks until I contact the original seller and discover that the second dealer passed on the ring. Then original seller, having ring in his possession offers low ball price...I then find out much later that the 2 are friends and "business associates" to me it appears as if this was a orchestrated concocted and manipulated scam for the original seller to purchase the ring back at the lowest of prices.....sorry but I do not put respected militaria dealers that I have known for 10 and 20 years respectfully similiar to an art dealer or fine collectibles dealer in the same category as a pawn shop...nor a motorcycle dealership...that is natural depreciation..these collectibles, for the most part are seen as investments...and they should have some retention of value...especially when the seller touts them as such at every opportunity.that the buy back is a lower price is fine as well...though I think that a $7995 loss in 4 months is a bit severe considering that the dealer would have realized profit on the initial deal...and on the 3rd deal...thanks and cheers