Originally Posted By: Pitbull63
Hi Larry,
I read a lot of your posts and all I can say is you truly have a passion for these SA daggers. So tell us, is this the only best kept secret or do you have more?

Thanks for sharing

Thank you everyone for your kind replies, to answer Pitbulls question I would have to say I have a passion for the time period of when these early SAs made their debut. What is intriguing to me is the quality with heart and soul that went into making these works of art and the Struggle it was made for. Do I have more best kept secrets? No, not like this one since this was the 25yr old dusty bottle of scotch That I wasnt ready to pull off the back shelf, but did anyway. GDC member Jeff who pops up once in awhile made the box for me so the credit goes to him for that. I thank him for helping me. The Holidays are coming so I need to lay low on SA purchases but have an Eickhorn slated for a photo shoot soon. Thanks again and I thank History itself for being able to study it! Regards Larry

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