I think there are legitimate grounds for doubting many aspects of history, the holocaust to me is not some magical exception.
Clearly, to deny in whole a criminal conspiracy, to deny atrocities on a mass scale by Germans, is ludicrous. I personally don't think it should be illegal, but obviously nations which have suffered under Nazi tyranny have a different view.
"History by decree" I shall never agree with, and I don't think it can stand the test of time.
We must remember the extreme political motivations of Jews in the wake of WW2, which culminated in the founding of Israel. It was in their interest to exaggerate their losses, and I have but little doubt that they did just that.
But this is illegal to propose, research or even discuss in some nations - My view is, the truth does not need the force of law to make it stand.

But you are right, a possible bias of the author should be kept in mind when reading his books. I think there is substance behind some at least of the accusations against him, he appears just a little too fond of the TR.
