I have just acquired a mint conditioned "smooth tail" Himmler from a LIVING veteran, who I will be video recording on Monday. The finest Himmler dagger I have ever seen. The dagger is untouched, filled with decades of green gunk on the exterior, features a MINT conditioned blade, is a textbook example with a "2" on the lower crossguard. It should settle the matter, for the small minority of people who disbelieve in the "smooth tail" example, once and for all. No chance to say "well, it is only traced back to the 1960s so who really knows." The veteran who landed on D-Day +4, and who liberated one of the concentration camps, will be video'd by me and I will post the video of his testimony, so that this silly chapter of hobby "doubt mongering" can be settled once and for all.

Last edited by Craig Gottlieb; 08/26/2011 03:37 AM.

Craig Gottlieb
Founder, German Daggers Dot Com