Stopped by the local antiques mall on the way home from work today and came home with this flashy fellow:

And with Flash...

This is a circa 1940's American Bison figurine made by the Hungarian ceramics firm Zsolnay. It is finished with the company's signature metallic blue-green 'Eosin' art glaze. While the sculpt itself is buried under the layers of glaze, I find the metallic finish to be very attractive in its own right. For admirers of the sculpt, Zsolnay has produced it in a natural coloration as well that has much more mold detail.

I've always admired Zsolnay Eosin pieces, but I've never run across one that 'spoke' to me like this powerful animal does. Such a shame that Zsolnay seems to have only produced one horse in the form of a small unremarkable foal. Can you just imagine a majestic stallion executed in Eosin? *dreams*


Last edited by Tiberius; 07/07/2011 11:40 PM.