I will say this.......we all know people swap and refurbish and/or restore....that is a given...having said this there are certain and specific dealers who will disclose this information if they are aware of it or if they have performed it and there are many who will not. All is done in the name of profit. There are many dealers who will offer items that have been given the thumbs down but will argue that "no one knows for certain" in some instances they are right and opinions are like...well you know...this hobby is not yet a "free for all" the consensus of opinion should still count for something and I personally consider it to be obtuse and an an insult to all by saying basically "whatever...go jump in a creek"...I think that it is more a matter of one getting caught that was held in high esteem and the response that was given...similiar to Congressman Weiner's initial response.. I know many decent dealers in this hobby over the past 30 years who had good reputations and who sold decent items who later were found to have "issues"..as items dried up and profit became the over riding factor.What has to be decided here is a moral and ethical question...at the end of the day do you care if someone refurbishes or restores without disclosure? To answer this question one must put themselves in the position of the buyer paying premium prices for an item and discovering beyond a doubt that the person selling it to them did so with the knowledge that the piece was enhanced to make it marketable and to enhance profit. It is far easier to say that it doesn't matter when you are not the one stuck holding a repainted or replated dagger with a replaced blade and fitting etc...is it okay to upgreade an identical Luftwaffe Dagger blade for one that is mint and without runner marks or moisture damage??..We restore furniture, artwork and automobiles without issue so why not daggers?? Interesting question. cheers, Ryan