Fitzer,you wrote:

"I have sold pieces to some highly regarded sellers and have witnessed the alterations as they are resold on their sites as 'untouched'"

I don't live with my head in the sand...I know this goes on, swap this, swap that...BUT,If I were to buy something from...I don't care from who, and I found out he, or she did this Stuff...without my knowledge...that would be the last time they would get any of my money!!!

You Wrote:
Sure its a hobby based on reputation but after all his guidance based on years of experience I think we ought to cut him slack. IMO

Cut Him slack??? If he in fact he did do this (again not saying he did,but if) he deserves NO SLACK in my book, Most people who I see on this site,and others,DO NOT want a parts dagger,they want it untouched
Id also say maybe 50%(there are alot of real smart people on this site) of these people could tell if it has been Humped up for sale or not. Most people are just looking for a fair shake,and don't want to be screwed over,doing something they really enjoy doing for most its just a hobby.

This is the last post for me on this subject,I really hope he responds to this stuff,and clears his good name. I know he says he does not want to ...but sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.
Good luck whatever you decide to do Houston.


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