No, Omega did not contract with Germany for watches. You will see them on Ebay, but they are fakes, usually from the Ukraine.

But you're right, they did make watches for the British, and even a few rare models for the US and Canada. Here's the British WWW counterpart to the German database: British WWW watches

If you click on this link: D/DH/DU Watches , you'll find an almost complete list of the German 'field' watch manufacturers, and photos. This list is not complete as there are a few brands missing, but this will give you a good idea of which brands to look for.

Original watches in working, wearable condition usually sell for around $300.00 or less. Good luck!

Edit: I should add that the Swiss, in true neutral Swiss fashion, manufactrued watches for both sides of the war. There were some companies like Glycine and Grana that made what was essentially the same watch for both the Germans and the British.

There were also companies like Gerard-Perregaux and Oris that used subsidiary companies such as Mimo and Fides-Geneve, respectively, to manufacture watches for the Germans. This was, presumably, because they did not want their company name associated with the 'NAZI's', yet still wanted to make money during the war.

Girard-Perregaux actually ordered all the German contract Mimo watches that they could recover from Germany to be destroyed after the war, thus creating a very rare watch to find.


Last edited by lazygoblin; 04/14/2011 04:06 PM.