Originally Posted By: Krullies
Hello Denny,

Woops, I didnt check your gun against the other very well then, sorry! There are even more kinds??? Since your post, I was searchin for them a bit, again without looking very properly to details or marks? There seems to be a book about "smallbores", by Jon Speed, like these? Do you know this book, is it good? 1. Jon Speed's book "Mauser Smallbores, Sporting, Target & Training Rifles" is an excellent treatise on German small caliber rifles. Another book that is nearing it's final stages before publication is written by Robert & Brad Simpson and focuses in it's entirity upon the German Training Rifle and it's variations. When this book is finally published, it will be the "bible" on this subject.
I was also wondering, you probably need a permit to have these? Europe is very strict in arms, Holland even more so, I never had any intrest but, its fun to find out if people can own these here. Its a real gun then, with real bullets!
2. We are very fortunate as no permits are needed for these guns in the U.S. and yes, it is a real gun.

Calibers work difrently for gunpowedered-guns? Anyways, your gun has totally won me over! Thanks again for posting. Still looking for KdF-shooting ...

Little question on the pouch, did 1915 pouches work during WWII too? I ~~think~~ so, but maybe, I dunno, bullets didnt fit, or .. I never looked at weapons very much ..
3. The pouch shown earlier is indeed, a WWI pouch for the German service rifles of the time. The caliber of the German rifles of both WWI & WWII were the same, so it would have been possible that it saw use during WWII. The standard WWII pouch was very similar in appearance.

Oh and how did you do the inside-scrollbar-thing in the reply?
4. The inside scroll bar will automatically appear when the length of the text within the quote box reaches a certain point.
Nice! Bye,

Hello Karin,
Hope this answers your questions;
Again, I apologize for taking your thread in a somewhat different direction and hope it regains it's focus soon.

Warm Regards,

Last edited by Denny Gaither; 03/14/2011 08:23 PM.

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