Originally Posted By: Dean Perdue
..That Gau M�nchen-Oberbayern pin on page 1 is a real beauty.Very stunning...

Hi mister Perdue!

Thanks, and yes, that truly is such a beautiful Abzeichen! Had'nt touch it in ages it seems, and, I forgot how heavy it is, when you compare it to tinnies! It surely is a brooch, very thick metal, not flimsy at all. Funny you should bring it up now, a commercial advertising for the KdF-Wagen reads "5 Mark die Woche mu�t Du sparen � willst Du im eignen Wagen fahren! �ber Anschaffungspreis und Zahlungsweise erteilen Auskunft alle Betriebswarte und Dienststellen der NS.-Gemeinschaft Kraft durch Freude Gau M�nchen-Oberbayern". Headquarters of DAF and KdF for Bavaria, was in M�nchen at Brienner Stra�e 26�28, untill KdF took over a big classic building from a successfull semitic bookseller, J. Rosenthal, for hardly any money, ofcourse. Some nice deep Gau infos can be found here. The pretty Edelweiss already discussed here.

Maybe, its OK to post another few shots, but closer up? Couldnt get this close back when I made the others .. Look at those little details! Many tinnies are really goodlooking, and, I like to dive into them with lookingglass, imagine how these got designed back in that time, drawing or sculpted, and from that, molded, and many times made, amazing! Even little cloth-threads around the pin at the back still.

Also, I was thinking, now I know a very little bit more about KdF, this KdF-Betreuerinnen brooche, what were the Betreuerinnen for? For KdF or from KdF? I mean, did they promote KdF, or were they from the KdF-Truppen-Betreuung? The entertaining/wellbeing of the fighting troops or ocupation force? Does anyone know this? Anyways, thanks again, and enjoy!


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KdF_Betreuerin_3.jpg (121.44 KB, 164 downloads)
KdF_Betreuerin_4.jpg (121.39 KB, 163 downloads)

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