Friends I think this blade made by Luneschloss.
Look at the photos, I have compared two motos . Luneschloss moto and mine . Both motos are the same !

The style of Klaas mark is very similar with mine too . There are differences, but it is admissible. (Different time of manufacture and entering of additions into mark.)

It seems to me, that it is example of manufacturing cooperation of SS daggers makers at last period 1940.
I think this blade is example of such cooperation , Klaas has bought Luneschloss details for SS daggers .
Probably at that point of time Luneschloss has finished manufacture SS daggers, but some details haven't been used. If it so, this one of the latest blade made for SS daggers .

Last edited by Gagarin; 01/28/2011 09:54 AM.