Although Kuther was not on the official POW list,he did actualy end up in a camp. The WASt found an American "POW's personnel questionaire" dated 28/6/1946. In it is details of his 17 month in American capivity & 6 month German authority detainment.It started by him being caught,or more likely surrendering himself to the Americans so that he would live,on 02/5/1945 in Berlin.He ended up in the Berlin-Lichterfelde POW camp on 31/1/1946 until 05/7/1946.He was then transferred somewhere until being handed over to the German authorities on 31/10/1946.The German camp was at Darmstadt & was a civilian clothed camp.His last registration was on the 24/4/1947 at Camp 74(civilian clothed) in Ludwigsburg.I guess all these camps would have been in the US sector of Berlin & that he was not checked out properly.So he did not get completely away with it after all.