In regards to the details of the SS Property Stampings I can only give an opinion. I do not know how they actually performed the stamping operation or how they backed up the belt loop on the frog, and how sharp the Property Stamp was. In addition being a mechanical engineer I know that you can get stress cracking in materials when sharp corners and shrinkage is involved.
Furthermore, looking at some of my other frogs with the property mark stamped into real quality leather a dull image with lack of details can also be found. I saw no cracking on any of the frogs of real leather with a SS Property Stamp.

Now let us address the 98/05 frog with the SS Property Stamp.I am looking at it now under a glass and the details of the TK are perfect. However, there is a stress riser at the same place on the upper skull as the TK on the 84/98.

Why is one stamped TK better detailed than the other? One must look at all of the variables in order to make a good decision.

Quality of workmanship is also a big factor. I have numerous bayonets and one Death Head Luger that have double strikes. The double strike definitely affects the appearance of the Property Stamp. As for the 84/98 TK, I can not tell if it is double struck or not.

Richard Kuchta