
Thank you for sharing the information on your 14,000 bayonet database that does not contain any original SS Bayonets.

I have asked simple and very basic questions about SS bayonets in general and more specific basic questions about 98/05 bayonets. The questions that I asked could be readily addressed by a non advanced collector of SS bayonets. You ask for pictures and data, then you critique my collection, and tell me you have problems with what you have been shown and told. You tell me things are not correct such, as SS property marks on WA bayonets. You are critiquing SS bayonets and do not know the difference between a SS/VT; SS/TV; and Waffen SS Bayonet. Can you see my point! I have a problem with your expertise on SS marked bayonets. You ask me what kind of property marking is on a particular bayonet and then you tell me you have a problem with it. I have asked you what type of property marking should be on a particular bayonet and located where and you can not tell me. I like sharing my collection with the forum and making them more knowledgeable from my focused years of collecting but Andy I sometimes have a problem providing information to you in a one way direction.Your statements to me come across in a very direct and opinionated manner. "It is the SS Elite, they would never stand for so many variations." Andy, do you think that I need your blessing on my collection? I do not think so. Some of my collector friends have sent me E-mails concerning the thread and have pointed out that you come across with a predetermined opinions not based on SS Bayonet Expertise. The current procedure of show me your SS Bayonets and I will tell you if they are original or not is not taking this thread in the direction that it needs to go in. I appreciate and respect your opinions but we need to answer alot of questions that exist. We have not even scratched the surface of SS Bayonets and collecting. I have gleemed some of the best SS bayonets from the major collections in the US and Europe and it is now time to obtain the documentation and facts that go with thes bayonets.
I appreciate all of the E-mails that I have received from interested collectors concerning specific bayonets, bayonets in their collection, and leads on SS bayonets for sale. Please do not be afraid to discuss your questions in the thread.

The SS bayonet discussion started with the white frog thread. I am still trying to get some pictures of items while I am at home. I will definitely post my two LAH white rigs: one with a 84/98 bayonet and one with a 98/05 bayonet. I shall also try to post the pictures of the SS property marks found on rifles.

Richard K