First, it�s very nice to have John back on the forum!! smile smile And while a lot of folks have mentored, done research, and made a number of substantial contributions to the collecting of bayonets. It was John who put together the forum. And got it up and running for which I am very appreciative. I�m also taking a moment here to remember the late Anthony Carter. Who was a true gentlemen. A friend to us all, and is greatly missed.

Andy has zeroed in on one of the core problems with the concept of �field� engraving. Let�s say a set of stamps in an armorers kit might have weighed one or two pounds at the outside limit. Versus at a minimum: a suitable period engraving tool, a generator, and fuel. And if you add in some very heavy machine tools. That were not made to be moved around, and might need to be re-calibrated. I think you can see where the concept might be starting to have some problems, without even looking into anything else.

I have some things to get ready for, and I hope that everyone has a very pleasant day. FP