Congratulations on your research work Ross. Wish I had known you back then. It would have made things a lot easier... for me. grin

Originally Posted By: Ross Kelbaugh (SS-Researcher)
I was fortunate to acquire this name only partial R�hm from Paul Hogle this year. It had been acquired and researched by Bernie Brul� and is pictured in Vol. VII of Tom Johnson's Collecting the Edged Weapons of the Third Reich. Bernie was able to find the SS man to whom this belonged and contacted him and sent him photos of the dagger in the the 1980s. The original owner responded in the letter on the left that this was indeed his dagger and it was collected after the R�hm revolt. When he got it back, the R�hm name had been removed and his SS number had been engraved. The original owner went on to say that he had not seen it since the Canadian troops came through his area at the end of the war. Bernie purchased it in the 1970s at a Canadian military fair. I was able to find photos of him in the Archives and his signature on the letter matched the documents in his Race & Settlement File from the 1930s. I like this kind of stuff!

Ross Kelbaugh

"And I will show you where the Iron Crosses grow"
-Cross of Iron