I've never seen anything like this mark before. As Tom notes, I don't like the look of that tang myself & the scratches that run along the blade look like someone might have steel wooled it, for some reason. As far as the maker/distributor mark, it's very unusual to have a distributor with anything stylized in terms of a logo although not unheard of, specifically those familiar with Linnenbrugger & Ellermann, Bielefeld & Geco, Berlin.

That said, the mark looks odd in that it looks (at least in the pics) to be applied over the plate loss, particularly in that last picture. If so, that would be a glaring red flag. I'm not sure & can't tell for certain from the pictures. Can we see a better close up of the logo around the plate loss area on the right? Thanks

GDC Gold Badge #290
GDC Silver Badge #310