I believe some one miss typed their info.
I have Tigerwerke as # 1316, has been for years.
#1221 is spitzer. schmidt & sohn is 1222.
1317 was / is still unknown. You would think if this had changed , it would be all all this section of the forum ,with the info. to back it up.
lots of unknowns still on the SS daggers. Plus lots of mis-information no doubt. jeff h.
oh, in reguards to the blue/ black bag; Eickhorn used them early on , mainly with the himmler inscriptions . these ussually, but not always have an additional rubber stamp on them stating these are "special".
maybe this comp. got the left over bags from that printer/ eickhorn " unprinted".
lots of the late rzm bags of the sa , are tan but,devoid of printing. who knows.... j.h.

Last edited by jeff; 09/12/2010 12:24 PM.