I am 27 years old, and I have to agree with Swordfish. I love this hobby and I lap up all the information that I can, but and this is a big but. Some people are very reluctant to share information. This is the typical reponse you get when asking a question on forums on the internet.

"Get a book"

I have all the books, but one thing that I have realised is that many collectors have many different theories on a lot of things in the hobby. Sure there is consensus but when it comes down to the nitty gritties then that is where the trouble begins and the arguments. These types of aspects about the hobby is what I see as factors that can drive new collectors away (it almost did with me). Debate and discussion is great and I think it is awesome that things like this happen, but at what cost?

I think that if people want to invoke more interest in the hobby than rather then push new collectors away (which the the general vibe I get on forums) rather nuture and help them out when they have questions and seek advice. I think the older generation has a responsability to younger collectors to help them through the beginning phases.

If it wasn't for people like Fred Prinz, RedBaron, Krullies etc than I think I would have left the hobby a long time ago. Not trying to single people out but the above mentioned have been great helps in the past.