Hi Adam

Originally Posted By: *Adam*
A lot of these dagger/bayonet makers started by making straight razors, scissors, pocket knives and kitchen ware. That is a great little ad. Karin. Thanks for posting it. I've never seen an SA marked with that mark. Though I would love to see one.

Yes, indeed! Inoticed that, some months ago, finding out how to translate what was going on in a maker mark into words. There was more to that mark, and there are other collectingworlds specializing in that! Very cool. I also found daggerpics with marks, I think I saved as much as I found, but I can be trusted to make a mess of my computer *LOL* Ill start the hunt ...

Originally Posted By: *Adam*

Also yes Karin a K98 was the standard weapon that was issued to a Soldier in the Wehrmacht. Think 12-13 million were produced by wars end. It is a 5 shot, bolt action rifle. Its not nearly as pretty and stylish as those pin and medals you collect though. smile

5 shots only? Like, wow, you'd have to reload every 5 shots? Is that clips? Or 5 single bullets? Or both, like, you have to load clips you can load in the rifle? I have been reading War of the Rats, just in a cr*ppy dutch translation, but its a great story! With a female main character even, yay! The end, is very very heavy to read, very emotional, but also very cold, and, somehow, a weird unexpected end, maybe it even felt unfair, in a way, but, such is life, I guess, and war is even worse? So, anyway, some technicalities came along, like rifle comparison, and how the Russian Nagant rifle, was more loved by German (+ ofcourse Russian) snipers then the German Mauser. The Russian gun had a better long distance precision. Interesting stuff. Not all clear (yet?) to me, so, I had to ask, thanks


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