Houston, you stated:
I wonder . If the chain, scabbard and markings were found to be authentic by the "Mother of all experts" would the shift then be back to the signature? or the fit? or the leather? or the screws? or the motto gilding? Or? Peace Brothers See you all at the MAX!

You made a good point here, Houston, but the fact is that the signature was one of the FIRST points to attract my attention - and its' curious formation and construction added to my doubts that there was something wrong with it.

Naturally I recognise that even with each individual person, their rendition of their own signature is not always exactly the same. So the fact that the signature was "noticeably different" only made it "questionable" rather than being "self-evident proof" that it might be wrong. Of course, there is rather more to the "difference" in this signature than I am revealing to you right now - but the presentation of other, authentic, variation examples made it difficult to insist that my observation of "variance" with the signature pointed to something which I considered was questionable. So I have had to relax my presentation of this opinion until a better, more propitious, time.

The real break for me came when I had access to the Huhnlein example in the possession of Julian Milestone. It was then that I saw the cast examples of dubious hallmarks, and a "Gahr" marking that was all but illegible.

From that moment onwards, from my point of view, if the hallmarking was questionable, then the questionable features of the etched signature were worthy of closer scrutiny. Such scrutiny has presented an observed, and measurable impression that the signature has failings which cannot be ascribed to being simply "another variation". No - that etched "signature" has a defect which needs to be explained.

Returning back to other matters, particularly personality conflicts (where I called Craig a "loser", it was offensive and far below my usual standards), then I openly apologise and withdraw that comment.

If I have - deliberately or inadvertently - offended any one else; moderators/owners of this site, fellow collectors, observers, etc., with any crass comment or off-hand remark, then I do wish to make good and make amends, so that we can proceed into the future.

I am intending to be at the MAX this year, and have agreed to do a Q&A Session (Friday night, I believe, and I think that Ron W might be orchestrating this for me). So I hope to be meeting past friends and new friends, and in an atmosphere of cordiality.

So I hope that my return to your great country, and attendance at the MAX seminar, might be received with a plethora of interesting questions - and not a barrage of over-ripe tomatoes!

I will see you all there!

Frederick J. Stephens