Looks like we all better start getting the paper everday then. Better call TJ,TW, and everyone else with a TR items over say 500 bucks or so. I wonder if they really own the stuff! Then check ebay for people selling highend cars and anything over, well heck anything for that matter. I wanna see pictures with the listing date on the pics. For that matter I think a new GDC rules and reg should be no post without the current days paper under the piece. What a load.BTW I have re-read this alot also. I didnt see John or JR or anyone outright say Don didnt own them but I can see the numbers of postings dropping off now Vern. I know Don wont be back. Thats whats really sad! Makes decisions about leaving the forum like many have done seem like the right thing to do. Another bad blow to the site in my view. Bret