DASH, would you -plase- show us photographs from your hewer?
I have great respect to the knowledge and experience of very long time collector and dealer Ron Weinand.
Therefore I do not have any doubt about his statement.
BUT it would have to be much more detailed because there are a lot of questions:
Was there any proof that the lot was a totally true war souvenir, were there bring back papers with them?
Were all the mentioned items from KREBS?
Were all the mentioned hewers/bajonets complete and totally assembled and with scabbards?
Were all the mentioned hewers/bajonets maker marked?
Which special kind of maker mark did have those with maker mark?
Did all the mentioned hewers have the motto?
Did all the EM hewers have the RADL triangle proofmark?

All the fat man hewers I have seen had the RADL triangle. Therefore it would have to be a PROOFED and a by the RAD leadership ACCEPTED and OFFICIALLY ADOPTED model which I doubt because if official I would assume there would be much more around.
Nearly all those "fat man" which are around are without scabbards.
My theory (just an assumption due to the circumstances and the form of the blade) is the following: The form of the blade is a well known hunting blade of medieval times called (germ.) "Jagdpraxe". KREBS might have manufactured such blades for private hunting use in the beginning of the 20th century too. I think I have seen such blades in hunting catalogues of this time.
At the end of WWII such (plain) blades were found at Solingen or by workers at KREBS and "defunctioned" to RAD blades for souvenir hunters. Main quantity by Atwood lateron.

As the "normal" EM hewer has been so very heavy so that the much lighter officer hewers has been developed and also the EM hewers sometimes (later) were produced with lightwight grips to reduce weight, such a "fat man" would be absolutely contraproductive to any period development.

I also do respect Frederick J Stephens, who did foundamental work for our hobby, very much and will come back on his statement later, have to look through my files first.

I also want to mention that I have truely a lot of "wearing" pictures. I have TN leader wearers, RRPP wearers, even a water custom wearer. But I have never seen nor heard of a fat man in wear...


wotan, gd.c-b#105

"Never look for sqare eggs" as a late owner of an original FHH-dagger used to say.